Holding Headquarter Decoration
Collaboration with architects
In the year 2010, following the completion of the interior architectural processes of Doğuş Holding's main headquarters in Kuzguncuk, a brief collaboration was established with Midek-Mingü office during the final stages of decoration completion. The interior decoration was finalized with various accessories, rugs, paintings, objects, and lighting fixtures.

Interior architecture: Midek/Mingü
Collaboration duration: Feb-Apr 2010
Furniture & accesories: Moda Bagno, Roche Bobois, ICA, Cumba, İsmet Mobilya, Decorise, Decolibra, Christofle, Nil Ata , Mozer, Hiref, Güngör dekorasyon, Mis en demeure, Becara
Flowers: Ceremony
Rugs: Ethnicon